Case Studies
Major Bank Construction Funding
South Coast, NSW
Delivered a funding solution to secure construction funding for our client on a 77 residential and 7 commercial unit development with a 40% presale requirement.
Facility Settled: FY2021
Facility Amount: $28,000,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 50% LVR
Lender: Major Bank
Major Bank Construction Funding
Delivered a funding solution to secure construction funding for our client on a 73 residential and 5 commercial unit development with a 30% presale requirement.
Facility Settled: FY2021
Facility Amount: $19,000,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 50% LVR
Lender: Major Bank
Major Bank Construction Funding
Upper North Shore, Sydney, NSW
Delivered a funding solution to secure construction funding for our client on a mix residential and commercial development with a 45% presale requirement.
Facility Settled: FY2020
Facility Amount: $20,000,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 55% LVR
Lender: Major Bank
Preferred Equity Construction Funding
Developer required additional funding behind a major bank lender to complete their residential development project in the Illawarra Region of NSW. Client had equity tied up in other investments and we secured an 20 month facility inclusive of capitalised interest & fees which enabled the client to commence construction.
Project Settled: FY2021
Facility Amount: $14,000,000
Facility Type: Referred Equity
Gearing: 88% LCR / 75% LVR
Lender: Private
Land Bank Funding
Secured land bank funding on a greenfield site for our developer client for their residential development project.
Land purchase settled at 65% funding of the value of the land without the use of additional security.
Project Settled: FY2021
Facility Amount: $2,650,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 65% LVR
Lender: Non Bank
Land Funding
South-west Sydney, NSW
Secured land bank funding to settle on a DA approved site for residential land subdivision. Our developer client plans to obtain house and land sales prior to commencement of construction funding.
Loan obtained was at 65% of the “as is with DA” valuation of the land which was purchased under option at a lower price with subsequent value added via achieving DA consent.
Project Settled: FY2020
Facility Amount: $4,600,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 65% LVR
Lender: Private
Short Term Bridging Loan
Brisbane, QLD
Client had arranged a loan with another funder which pulled out of the transaction during the loan documentation phase 12 days before settlement due to concerns about COVID-19. The purpose of the loan was to assist the purchase of a DA approved site for a 9 Lot subdivision. Client came to GM Capital with the very real risk of losing their deposit. We were able to obtain a term sheet within 3 business days and the purchase was settled on time.
Loan obtained was at 70% of the “as is with DA” valuation of the land.
Project Settled: FY2020
Facility Amount: $1,120,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 70% LVR
Lender: Private
Major Bank Construction Funding
Secured land bank funding on DA approved site for our developer client for their residential land subdivision project. Land purchase settled at 95% funding of the value of the land using additional security.
Construction facility secured with 50% presale requirement.
Project Settled: FY2019
Facility Amount: $6,500,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 80% LVR
Lender: Major Bank
Major Bank Construction Funding
Delivered a funding solution to secure construction funding for our client on a residential unit development with 40% presale requirement.
Facility Settled: FY2019
Facility Amount: $12,000,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 50% LVR
Lender: Major Bank
Senior Debt Construction Funding
Delivered a funding solution to secure construction funding for our client on a townhouse development with 25% presale requirement.
Facility Settled: FY2018
Facility Amount: $22,000,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 60% LVR
Lender: Non-Bank
Term Debt Facility
Assisted a client in establishing a new banking relationship. The transaction comprised of the refinance of a specialised asset. Security was a prominent Sydney licensed club. The loan facility was provided on a non-recourse basis (no personal guarantees) at 55% LVR with equity release and a reduction in pricing.
Facility Settled: FY2019
Facility Amount: $12,500,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 55% LVR
Lender: Major Bank
Mezzanine Construction Facility
Greater western sydney, NSW
Developer required a second mortgage behind a bank lender to complete their residential development project in the Greater Western Sydney area.
Project Settled: FY2021
Facility Amount: $8,500,000
Facility Type: Mezzanine Finance (subordinated)
Gearing: 75% LVR
Lender: Non Bank
Mezzanine Construction Facility
Developer required a second mortgage behind a non bank lender to complete their townhouse project on Sydney’s North Shore. Client had equity tied up in other investments and we secured an 18 month facility inclusive of capitalised interest & fees which enabled the client to commence construction.
Facility Settled: FY2019
Facility Amount: $3,800,000
Facility Type: First Mortgage
Project Gearing: 82% LCR / 70% LVR
Lender: Private
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Phone: 02 8318 7790
Suite 403, Level 4, 845 Pacific Hwy
Chatswood, NSW, 2067
Suite 322, Level 3, 49-51 Queens Rd
Five Dock NSW 2046